Delightful post. We don’t say bev in the US. It’s just a drink. I’m from the Midwest so I’m sure people from other parts use different words like they do for a carbonated drink - “pop,” “soda,” or “coke.”

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My mum is always really amused that people in Scotland (where she lives and I grew up) often say "juice" to mean any non-water soft drinks. Even if there is absolutely no trace of fruit and it's entirely artificial haha.

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This is fun! I have wanted to read I Capture the Castle for awhile; good to know it’s an essential summer read. That IS a fabulous photo of you. I have a large head too and I can never find hats…unless they’re from my dad or something. 😛 Thank you for that recommendation.

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I'd love to know what you think if you do read it!

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Taking this post as my gospel ha. Greetings from the heat wave - nothing but 95+ for the next week or so. I'm fighting off despair. Very much in favor of the hats, as you know. What has helped me is, yes, a lot of purchasing - mostly of very bubbly drinks - la croix, kombucha, etc, that make me feel like I can have a little 'treat' (and stay hydrated). Otherwise, shifting my schedule around a bit - 'siesting' as I can during the kids nap/quiet time in the afternoons, and staying up later (since the sun isn't setting till 9pm anyway). It's interesting as you say that all winter we can't look anywhere without a new hygge post but nothing in the reverse. I guess its just assumed we don't need to be told how to love summer? Well I NEED it! Thanks for the reminders :)

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Oooh good idea for the cold drinks, for some reason I tend to save even soft drinks for once the kids are in bed but I can definitely see some nice cold drinks being a good help to get through the day

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I 100% empathize with the summer feelings. My husband has also historically worked very long summer hours so I have to work hard to not get grumpy about the whole thing!

One of my favorite summer recipes is a chicken salad that’s slightly reminiscent of Waldorf without the mayo: just diced chicken, celery, apple (or green grapes if you prefer) plenty of fresh parsley, salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. It’s super simple, but you can cook the chicken in the IP and serve with either bread or chips for a cold, refreshing dinner :)

We didn’t have air conditioning for either of my July babies and being pregnant with a toddler made the days seem sooooo long. I think maybe it’s gotten easier as the kids get a bit older, but I also always found that the heat messes with naps. All this to say, hang in there!

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Oooh, love that recipe idea, I really like sweet/savoury combos and something with good texture so this sounds great!

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Summer always makes me wish we had a year round school schedule with longer breaks during the fall or spring. I know it’s popular to complain that kids are too over scheduled these days, but I think endless free time creates its own problems… whining and sibling fights, ahem. My kids do play really well together and can entertain themselves too but I find it goes a lot better if we have plenty of structured activity scheduled in as well! Sigh! Tacos and stir frys are my summer go-tos (besides grilling outdoors) to minimize cooking time indoors but also utilizes a lot of fresh veggies!

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Yes, I completely agree that structure is needed for sanity! I'm sure it depends on the kids but my kids do better with some type of scheduled activity each day.

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